Toyota Gd6 Automatic gearbox Tune


Toyota Gd6 2.4 and 2.8 automatic gearbox frustration. / Our solution.

The problem.

The Toyota Gd6 automatic vehicles has the following gear shift behavior that frustrates the owners.

The automatic gearbox is extremely sensitive. When the owner tries to overtake or accelerate even slightly the gearbox gears down 2 gears revving unnecessarily high. When this happens the engine revs close to 4000rpm and the Gd6 engine does not have peak power at that high revs. The peak power for these engines is between 2000 and 3000 rpm. So basically the engine just makes more noise but you struggle to accelerate.

When you drive at about 120 – 130km/h the vehicle will not easily go into 6th gear which is its top gear. You need to either drive faster or leave the accelerator to get it into 6th gear. But when you get a slight uphill or press the accelerator a bit it will go back to 5th gear again. And then the process of getting it into 6th starts all over again. Because it does not want to go into 6th gear it makes the engine run at a higher rpm and that makes it less fuel efficient.

The question on everyone’s mind is why the gearbox reacts this way. The answer is simple.
The computer that controls the gearbox is programmed to react this way. The gearbox does what the computer tells it to do.

The solution.

Now that we have determined that the problem is the way the gearbox computer is calibrated. It is safe to say that the solution to this problem is to just put a better program into the gearbox computer.

That is exactly what we at AVB Tuning were able to do. With our gearbox computer program, your automatic gearbox will react similar to when you drive a manual bakkie. It does not gear down for no reason. It keeps the engine speed between 2000 and 3000 rpm to maximize the use of the power curve.

Let’s take a look at the problems mentioned above.
The automatic gearbox is extremely sensitive.
The automatic gearbox allows you to accelerate without kicking down 2 gears. When you accelerate very aggressively it will still only gear down one gear. This ensures the engine works in its peak power range.

When you drive at about 120 – 130km/h the vehicle will not easily go into 6th gear which is its top gear.
2. The automatic gearbox will go into 6th gear even if you drive only 100km/h. It will also allow you to accelerate and not kick down to 4th gear. When you accelerate mildly it will stay in 6th gear. When you accelerate aggressively it will go only one gear down and keep the engine speed in optimal power range.

Many tuning companies advertise Engine tuning with gearbox calibration. We are not sure what exactly they mean by gearbox calibration. What we know is all our customers who first went for the “gearbox calibration” said they did not feel an improvement in the gearbox behavior.

Our Elite gearbox tune is a complete solution to this problem.

Contact AVB Tuning for more information or to book your vehicle.

Call Gerrit 0722553967
Email mail@avbtuning.co.za


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